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Physical Education Curriculum

At St Bernadette’s we offer a range of sports both within the PE curriculum and as extra-curricular activities, for both boys and girls. These include: - 


Football, Basketball, Tag Rugby, Cricket, Athletics, Fitness clubs, Fundamental skills, Gymnastics, Tennis, Netball, Swimming, Rounders, Boxercise, Yoga, Dance and Archery.


Our main focus at St Bernadette’s is tackling obesity; pupils are given the opportunity to attend extra-curricular clubs and competitions as well as high quality PE specialist teaching, with at least one unit of work a term having a health and fitness focus (e.g. Boot Camp Circuits and Boxercise). Hopefully, this will continuously show a visible improvement in fitness levels and working towards developing a healthier lifestyle as well as reducing obesity levels at St Bernadette’s.


This year, we have been given the chance to extend our curriculum by allocating funding from the Sports Premium to purchase specialist Archery equipment. There is a lot of excitement about archery and the skills being developed by children in KS2 are commendable. Later in the year, the children will have the opportunity to use live arrows, when they visit the various archery competitions.


Inclusion is an important aspect of our ethos, and this is supported throughout the teaching of PE. Staff continue to share knowledge, attend courses and INSET courses are provided to the staff in order to update our teaching of P.E. 


St Bernadette’s are currently a member of the Erdington and Saltley primary schools football league, East Birmingham Football Partnership and Birmingham Junior Netball League. So far this year we have also participated in numerous football, netball, hockey and basketball matches, developing the children’s confidence on and off the field of play. We are also a part of the BCSSA and through this; we will participate in a variety of sports; Netball, Badminton, Football, Rounders, Volleyball and Cricket. The children at St Bernadette’s are extremely privileged as they are also given many opportunities to take part in a selection of competitive sports offered by outside agencies such as the Birmingham Schools Games.

Intent, Implement, Impact
PE Curriculum: Projects
PE Curriculum: Projects

PE Pupil Premium Funding

What is PE Pupil Premium Funding?

The government is providing additional funding of £150 million per annum for academic years 2013 to 2014 and 2014 to 2015 to improve provision of Physical Education (PE) and Sport in Primary Schools. This funding - provided jointly by the Departments for Education, Health and Culture, Media and Sport - will be allocated to Primary School Headteachers. This funding is ring-fenced and therefore can only be spent on provision of PE and Sport in Schools. The grant for 2013 to 2014 is paid in 2 instalments. Schools will receive the initial payment in the Autumn Term and the second payment in April 2014.


PE Kit

All children should have a white t- shirt and black shorts to wear for P.E. which are available from the School Uniform Outfitters or any local Supermarkets.
All children should also have a pair of basic black pumps to wear when required.
Children in KS2 are permitted to wear trainers for outside activities for health and safety reasons, however they are responsible for them while they are in School, so they should not be expensive ones, as School is not liable for any loss or damage. Trainers should only be worn during P.E. Lessons so children must have normal school shoes with them too.
* If there is a problem with damaged school shoes, children will be required to wear their black pumps in and around School until they are replaced.
During cold / bad weather children should have a basic black tracksuit in School to wear. 
Children in Y2 and Y5 will need a swimming kit for the term they go swimming. The pool regulations state this means proper swimming trunks / costume.
For health and safety reasons long hair should also be tied up and no jewellery or watches should be worn.

PE Curriculum: Image

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