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Catholic Social Teaching

Catholic Social Teaching (CST) underpins the work of the school and the principles are interwoven within our curriculum and wider school life.


As members of the Catholic Church, we are called upon to preserve the dignity of all human beings, to care for creation and to reach our sisters and brothers in need.  These principles form part of Catholic Social Teaching, a body of work developed by Church leaders over the centuries.  Pope Francis emphasizes that it is our duty to work together to bring about a more just and peaceful world: to put love into action.


At St. Bernadette’s we place great emphasis on the importance that our children can articulate the connection between Jesus’ teaching and doing good deeds.  We teach our children about the importance of putting the needs of others before ourselves, respecting the dignity of all people and how we are stewards of God’s beautiful creation with a duty to do all we can to preserve it for future generations.


We use the CAFOD CST characters with our children to help them recognise CST within lessons.


The following video is useful to watch to become familiar with the seven principles:

CST in the Science Curriculum



All of God’s creation is sacred and reflects something of who God is. Caring for this earth is part of what it is to be a Christian. The Catholic Church has a long tradition of teaching about the God-centeredness of the earth, which clearly focuses on the responsibility all people have for caring for creation.


The golden thread of ‘Care of God’s Creation’ runs through each science unit which links to the CST principles of:

  • The Common Good

  • Stewardship


This ensures children develop their environmental awareness and understanding of their role in protecting our God given planet.



What does Scripture say?


 ‘Humans are commanded to care for God’s creation.’ Genesis 2:15


 ‘Creation proclaims the glory of God.’ Daniel 3:56-82


 ‘God loves and cares for all creation.’ Matthew 6:25-34


 ‘Creation and all created things are good because they are created by God.’ 1 Corinthians 10:26


What does the Church say?


Charity in Truth: Caritas in Veritate –

‘The environment is God’s gift to everyone, and in our use of it we have a responsibility towards the poor, towards future generations and towards humanity as a whole…Our duties towards the environment are linked to our duties towards the human person, considered in himself and in relation to others.’


What does Pope Francis say?


“Creation is not a property, which we can rule over at will; or, even less, is the property of only a few: Creation is a gift, it is a wonderful gift that God has given us, so that we care for it and we use it for the benefit of all, always with great respect and gratitude.”


Laudato Si (24th May 2015) –

‘A scientific consensus says climate change is real and caused at least in part by human activity. A very solid scientific consensus indicates that we are presently witnessing a disturbing warming of the climatic system. In recent decades, this warming has been accompanied by a constant rise in the sea level and, it would appear, by an increase of extreme weather events, even if a scientifically determinable cause cannot be assigned to each particular phenomenon.’



Loving God,

We believe that the world is for everyone.

We thank you for the gift of Creation.

Help us to take care of the planet and all people who live on it.

Lord in your mercy

Hear our prayer


Catholic Social Teaching (CST) is at the heart of our learning at St Bernadette’s, especially in Topic. Topic allows us to develop our historical skills, pursue geographical enquiry, express our creativity, and build valuable projects based on a purpose. However, CST allows us to approach these lessons from a wider viewpoint.


We use the CAFOD CST characters with our children to help them recognise CST within lessons.


Here are a few examples of where CST has been linked to our Topic lessons.

A lesson focusing on how men and women were split in Athenian and Spartan society. Is it right for women to be told what they must do based on their gender?


A lesson focusing on the invasion of Greece by Alexander the Great. How would God react to slavery?


A lesson focusing on the Viking raids in Lindisfarne. Why is it wrong to harm our fellow man?


A lesson focusing on WW2 evacuation and the Blitz.

A lesson focusing on the birth of democracy in Greece. Is it right for only rich men to vote?


A lesson looking at the impact of Gandhi on British rule. Why did he protest for people who were the most in need?


A lesson focusing on the differences between rich and poor Tudors. What can we learn from these indifferences?


A lesson focusing on rationing. Why was it important for all members of society to receive the same amount of food?

A lesson focusing on natural disasters and how we can help those that have been left in disasters. How can we help those in need?


In Year 2, the children learn about important people that have helped other. Including Florence Nightingale, Edith Cavell, and Mary Seacole. Why do you think these people gave up their lives to care for others?


During Black History Month, we learn about inspirational black people. Why is it important we celebrate these achievements?

A lesson focusing on climate and biomes. How has our impact changed God’s creation?


A lesson focusing on the structure of rivers, mountains, and earthquakes. How can we better understand God’s creation?


A lesson focusing on glaciers. What can the rising sea levels mean for God’s creations?


A lesson focusing on sustainability; reduce, re-use, recycle. Why should we make small changes?


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Learn to love, love to learn

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