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  • Art | St Bernadette's Cath

    Art Art Intent, Implement, Impact 22/23 Art Progression of Skills Knowledge & Skills Year 1 Autumn Year 2 Autumn Year 3 Autumn Year 4 Autumn Year 5 Autumn Year 6 Autumn Year 1 Spring Year 2 Spring Year 3 Spring Year 4 Spring Year 5 Spring Year 6 Spring Year 1 Summer Year 2 Summer Year 3 Summer Year 4 Summer Year 5 Summer At St Bernadette’s we are encouraged to use our talents and gifts in everything that we do. This same principle is applied to the arts. We understand that children have natural and taught talents and it is important for us to develop, encourage and empower these individual talents. We showcase our achievements through displays, assemblies and show and tell sessions. This year, we will be curating year band exhibitions linked to the topic being studied within that year group. We will then create an exhibition of the children’s work to celebrate it. Topics IMG_4399 IMG_4282 IMG_8806 IMG_4399 1/21

  • Science | St Bernadette's Cath

    Science At St. Bernadette’s, we are in the process of writing and developing a bespoke curriculum based on the National Curriculum. “…careful curriculum design, where new knowledge is broken down into meaningful components and introduced sequentially, can support all pupils to learn scientific concepts. This includes those with special educational needs and/or disabilities.” Research Review Series: Science. Ofsted, 2021. Science Policy 24/25 Science Curriculum Overview 24/25 Intent, Implement, Impact Science Prior Knowledge “Assessing students' prior knowledge allows an instructor to focus and adapt their teaching plan. For students, it helps them to construct connections between old and new knowledge.” Assessing Prior Knowledge, Cornell University, 2022 Each unit with a prior knowledge check – this aids both teachers and learners. A focused flashback helps pupils to retain prior knowledge on the topic and make links between old and new content. Each planning grid outlines prior knowledge in order to support teaching. Retrieval “Sufficient curriculum time must be allocated for pupils to embed what they have learned in long-term memory through extensive practice before moving on to new content.” Research Review Series: Science. Ofsted, 2021. Each lesson begins with three flashback activities: The idea is that this: Will help to transfer information into pupils’ long term memories Will act as a ‘pre-teach’ for key concepts and vocabulary Will address common misconceptions before they arise Will lead to greater understanding as we progress through a topic as effective links can be made. Vocabulary “Vocabulary plays a crucial role in science because it is at the heart of science learning and knowledge building. To discuss and build knowledge, students need to have access to the vocabulary of science.” National Science Teaching Association, 2020 Each unit contains: A discrete lesson on vocabulary that is taught at the start of the unit, this pre teaches new scientific words. A selection of key vocabulary showcased on classroom science display boards. Each lesson contains: Scientists “Researchers have found that the sense of belonging in science matters more than grades and background when it comes to keeping students in science majors and careers. Creating a more equitable, inclusive, and leakproof STEM pipeline requires helping more students feel like scientists.” Helping students (re)think of themselves as scientists. C&EN, 2020. Each unit has a key scientist linked to it. These scientists have been reviewed to ensure our curriculum is more diverse and relevant to our pupils. Many units also have a ‘Just Like Me’ scientist also included, helping pupils learn about people like them working in different careers within the field of science today. When learning about scientists, we will focus on: the impact that scientist had on the world whose ideas that scientist built upon the barriers some scientists faced and how they successfully overcame these to make a significant difference to the world around them which of our ‘Working Scientifically’ skills these scientists utilized. Here are examples of a few modern and diverse scientists included in our science curriculum: Environmental Awareness “Environmental education promotes critical and creative thinking skills and inspires kids to become more engaged with their communities. It helps kids understand why the environment is important and provides them with the building blocks they need to live eco-friendly and sustainable lives.” Why Environmental Education is Important for Kids. Rubicon, 2021. The golden thread of environmental awareness runs through each unit in school. Each unit has a linked environmental focus – ‘Care of God’s Creation’ (linked to Catholic Social Teaching). This makes our curriculum more relevant to issues faced today, which should engage pupils and help them to see the real-world purpose of their learning. Enquiry Types Throughout school, children are exposed to five types of enquiry: Comparative/fair testing Research Observation over time Pattern seeking Identifying, grouping and classifying Working Scientifically A set of characters have been created to represent each of the ‘Working Scientifically’ skills that the children will utilise within their investigations and enquiries. These characters are displayed in every classroom and appear in many science lessons, even when the focus is not directly linked to enquiry. Reading At St. Bernadette’s, we believe that reading is a cornerstone of each and every curriculum area. As such, opportunities to share picture books, as well as fiction and non-fiction texts, have been planned into each unit. A range of books related to each science topic have also been purchased for each classroom in order to allow children to extend their learning outside of lesson time. Reading as part of the Curriculum (sample): Wider reading material (sample): Reading Across the Curriculum Science in Nursery and Reception The EYFS framework is structured very differently to the national curriculum as it is organised across seven areas of learning rather than subject areas. The skills taught across EYFS feed into national curriculum subjects and statements from Development Matters are prerequisite skills for science within the national curriculum. The most relevant statements for science are taken from the following areas of learning: Communication and Language Personal, Social and Emotional Development Understanding the World Science in EYFS Science Knowledge Organisers Year 1 Plants Seasonal Changes Everyday Materials Animals including humans Year 2 Living things and their Habitats Everyday Materials Animals including humans Plants Year 3 Animals including humans Rocks Forces and magnets Plants Light World Earth Day At St Bernadette’s, we celebrate World Earth Day each year and mark this day across the school with an array of activities, assemblies and special visitors. The aim of this is to raise awareness of the harms of plastic pollution and planetary health. This day is celebrated across the world and the themes cover a range of environmental issues, climate change and promoting clean energy to protect endangered species. Click here to read more

  • Collective Worship | St Bernadette's Catholic Primary School

    Collective Worship at St Bernadette's Collective Worship Collective Worship Policy At St Bernadette’s Catholic School, the children participate in communal acts of prayer and /or liturgical celebrations every day. Sometimes this will be in class prayer, other times it may involve children in the year band joining together in prayer or it may be in a key stage assembly or a whole school mass. Children are encouraged to learn a selection of traditional prayers in each year band, but are also encouraged to devise their own personal prayers. A list of prayers can be seen here for each year band. Prayers take place at the beginning of the school day, before and after lunch and again at the end of the school day. Every classroom has a focal point for prayer, which is appropriate to the liturgical season. Each classroom is also named after a Saint and the children learn about their saint and the lives they lead. Every year band will prepare a year band mass each month, which is held in school. We also have a key stage mass in school every term and a whole school mass which takes place at Holy Family Church every two to three weeks. Parishioners are invited to celebrate mass with the school and are asked to become prayer partners for children who are receiving the sacraments. The children are able to experience the liturgical Life of the church in many ways throughout the year, such as the Stations of the Cross during Lent, Rosary Club during the months of October and may and a Carol Service at Christmas. They also celebrate their Saint’s feast day and join in Mass, with their Sister school of Holy Family, during Holy Days of obligation. In addition to the children’s prayer life, the staff in school begin every meeting with a prayer. Different members of staff will lead the prayer, providing the staff with the opportunity to reflect on the Gospel Values. One training day every year is set aside for a staff retreat, with staff having had the opportunity to attend a retreat in Lourdes and Fatima in recent years. Father Fretch is our Parish Priest, who is a regular visitor in school. Sister Maura Halpin is also a regular visitor and together they support the children in the sacramental year bands of year 3 and year 6. They also visit the other year bands to support them in their RE lessons and in the preparation of mass. Collective Worship: List

  • Remote Learning | St Bernadette's Catholic Primary School

    Home Learning School subscription services that are providing guidance and resources to support with school closures Seesaw - The main web site for all year groups to complete homework assignments. Accelerated Reader Students are able to access Accelerated Reader from home using their normal accounts. Spelling Shed Times Tables Rockstars Oxford Owl Maths and Science Topmarks Times Tables Rockstars A great bank of interactive games! Try ‘Hit the Button ’ for your times tables or ‘Daily 10 ’ BeeBot App Free App for computing Explorify For Science Number Blocks Prodigy Maths Free App for maths Science Fun at Home New content every Wednesday LET’S GO LIVE with Maddie and Greg 30-minute sessions with Maddie and Greg exploring the natural world. Streamed every day at 11am. Dr. Chips Join Dr Chips every day at 10am for a daily dose of science, engineering and technology. Solar System Scope Check out Solar System Scope to visit the Earth and other planets, see where stars are now and speed up time to see where they will be in a month. Mindfulness and Keeping Active Go Noodle Smiling Mind BBC Supermovers Newsround Premier League Stars YouTube (More videos on their own website) Hundreds of ‘brainercise’, dancing, strength and mindfulness videos—as well as videos that are ‘just for fun’. Short audio sessions to help with mindfulness. Interactive videos to support with KS1 and KS1 Maths, Literacy and PSHE and PE learning. Great for times tables—as well as videos that are ‘just for fun’. Keeping children up to date with the world around them— creating opportunities to talk about the news with children. Videos and activities to support with Maths, Literacy, PSHE and PE. French KS2 French A compilation of short clips and memorable songs for beginners learning French. KS1 / KS2 French French Games Everton trio Morgan Schneiderlin, Kurt Zouma and Lucas Digne are on hand to help Ben Shires teach pupils all about French greetings Fun French games online for kids + adults to learn + practice beginner French vocabulary with audio Primary Languages This material has been developed to assist Primary teachers to develop and integrate an element of language teaching into their classroom.

  • School of Sanctuary | St Bernadette's Cath

    School of Sanctuary at St Bernadette’s For some time now, our news media has been reporting stories about migrants, refugees, small boats, the expense of housing people in hotels etc. Much of this has been quite misleading and dehumanising with inaccuracies and wrong ideas taking hold in the minds of many. As a Catholic school, St Bernadette’s is looking to explore the realities of the asylum system and the experiences of people going through it right now. Our mission statement makes clear that, “… We follow the ways of Jesus using our talents and gifts to make our school special.” We must never forget that Jesus himself was a refugee. We will therefore, be seeking to gain the award of ‘School of Sanctuary’. What is a School of Sanctuary? A School of Sanctuary is a school that has received a Sanctuary Award from City of Sanctuary UK or a partner organisation in recognition of its good practice in fostering a culture of welcome, belonging and solidarity for those seeking safety. (1) How can St Bernadette’s become a School of Sanctuary? To become a School of Sanctuary, a school must take an intentional and reflective approach to reviewing and refining school practice in relevant areas and demonstrate that they have implemented three key principles: LEARN Schools help their students, staff and wider community learn about what it means to be seeking sanctuary and the issues surrounding forced migration. EMBED Schools are committed to creating a safe and inclusive culture of welcome that benefits everybody, including anyone in their community seeking sanctuary and working with people seeking sanctuary to co-produce their sanctuary efforts and practice. SHARE Schools proudly share their values and activities with their local communities and work collaboratively to build our movement of welcome. (2) As we move forward with the award, we will be partnering up with St Chad’s (who are already working hard in this endeavour), making collections for those in need and learning about the real experiences of people seeking refuge. We believe this will be of huge benefit to our children and community in an ever more precarious world. Notes (1) and (2) taken from the Schools of Sanctuary website. Monday 27th January Pilgrimage of Hope: Refugee Journey On Monday 27th January, classes in KS2 and Year had the opportunity to take part in a Pilgrimage of Hope, reflecting on the journey of refugees. Station 1 Packing for a Journey : The children put themselves in a refugee’s shoes and imagined what they would pack if they had to flee their home at short notice. Station 3 The Long Journey : The children imagined the exhausting and dangerous journey, often across deserts, mountains, and forests, in search of safety. Station 5 Final Journey : The children reflected on the final stage of a refugee’s journey, where emotions mixed between relief, excitement, and nervousness as they arrived at their new home. Station 2 Emotional Goodbyes : They thought about the emotional goodbyes that refugees must face as they leave everything behind. Station 4 Refugee Camps : They paused to consider life in refugee camps, where some refugees wait years before being granted asylum. Station 6 A New Home : At the final station, they discussed what it might be like to arrive in a foreign land with a new language and culture. This pilgrimage was linked to the Jubilee Year's theme of Pilgrims of Hope, encouraging us all to walk alongside those who are displaced, offering empathy, support, and a shared journey of hope. It also reminded us to keep our hope in God, trusting that He was with us on every journey, and that with faith, we could bring hope to others. Watch this video capturing the pilgrims in 4KL.

  • Induction to School | St Bernadette's Cath

    Induction to School Reception 2020 Reception 2020 Reception Meeting 2020 Handbook 2020

  • Our School | St Bernadette's Catholic Primary School

    All About our School Our School: List Head Teacher's Welcome Welcome Choosing the right school for your child is one of the most important decisions you will make in their early years. As a parent you want your child to feel safe, secure and happy at school. At St Bernadette’s School all children are encouraged, supported and challenged to become the best that they can be. St Bernadette’s is a Catholic school and our motto “Learn to Love, love to learn” is at the heart of everything we do. St Bernadette’s is much more than an educational establishment it is a place where the children are offered stability and enrichment to learn effectively and develop into well rounded, responsible and respectful young people. On a recent Ofsted inspection the school was classed as outstanding for personal development and welfare, this is something we as a school are very proud of, the Ofsted inspection is available on the school website and I would encourage you to read it. A Cowings Headteacher Our School: About Us

  • Governors | St Bernadette's Catholic Primary School

    St Bernadette's Governors Information School Governors Governor Portal Governors: About Us St Bernadette's Governing Body Our Governors are an amazing group of volunteers who serve the parish of Holy Family in Small Heath. They support our school in educating children in a happy, calm and safe environment where they feel surrounded by God’s love. Governors play an important role in the leadership and management of the school. They are involved in the recruitment of staff, formulating the school budget and ensuring the curriculum we offer to the children in school is engaging, challenging and appropriate. The Governors are regular visitors in school, offering support and challenge in equal measures and holding the Head and senior leadership team to account. The Governing Body's aim is to work closely with the Headteacher, the leadership team and the staff, in order to help the children at the school achieve their full potential. They meet as a Full Governing Body four times a year and in addition to this, will meet in smaller sub- committees to focus on finance, staffing, admissions or curriculum. Our Governing Body is made up of 7 Foundation Governors who are appointed by the diocese, two parent governors, appointed by the parents, a Staff Governor and a Local Authority Governor. All serve for a term of four years. If you would like to contact the Governing Body, please forward hard copies of mail to Mr John Lenihan c/o St Bernadette’s Catholic Primary School, Hob Moor Road, Yardley Birmingham, B258QL. Emails to be sent to and given the title 'For the attention of Mr John Lenihan'. The School Governors Mr John Lenihan Chair of Governors (FG) Curriculum Governor / Finance Governor / Mathematics Governor Mrs Quinlan Vice-Chair Parent Governor / Foundation Governor Mrs Gemma Wrench Chair of Finance / Curriculum Governor Mrs Maria Winters Foundation Governor / RE Governor / Chair of curriculum Fr Fretch Ballesteros Foundation Governor / R.E Governor Mrs Vas Panayiotou Parent Governor / Safeguarding Governor Mrs P Moran Foundation Governor Mr Carlos De la Cruz Foundation Governor / Finance Governor Miss Angela Cowings Headteacher Governor Mr Iqbal Local Authority Governor Mr Carroll Staff Governor / SEN Governor / Finance Governor Mrs Maria Smallwood Clerk to Governors Admissions Committee Pupil Discipline Committee School Hearings Committee Curriculum & Standards Committee Terms of Reference Resources Committee Governor Information Terms Of Reference Dismissal Appeal Terms of Reference Curriculum & Standards Terms of Reference School Hearings Terms of Reference Admissions Terms of Reference Pupil Discipline Presentations to Governors RE KS2 English.pdf KS1 English.pdf PE.pdf Maths.pdf School Financial Benchmarking Governors: List Any correspondence to the Governors should be addressed c/o St. Bernadette’s Catholic Primary School. Miss A Cowings Head Teacher I joined St Bernadette’s School in 2002 as Deputy Head and was appointed as Head Teacher in 2006. Since my appointment I have always been a member of the Governing Body and work closely with the dedicated team of volunteers to develop provision within school. As Head teacher it is my duty to deal with the day to day management of the school. As a member of the Governing Body we provide the strategic management. We set the general direction of the school and consider ways that it can best be developed. As a team, we monitor the school’s progress and set annual targets for the school’s performance. The team of governors act as a critical friend to the Head, whilst providing me with the necessary support required to lead the school. John Lenihan Chair of Governors I was appointed as a Governor in March 2019. I am currently a member of the Resources Committee. I previously served as a Governor at Corpus Christi School in Stechford. After spending 50 years in the Printing Industry and having grandchildren in the school I am now looking forward to supporting St. Bernadettes pupils and staff in the challenging world of education. Mr C. Dela Cruz Foundation Governor I have been a school governor for a number of years and have seen a lot of changes throughout the years. I have really enjoyed being on the school governing board, and doing my best to contribute in ensuring the school provides the very best facilities, support for the teaching & non-teachingstaff, and to ensure all pupils to have opportunity and encouragement toreach their full potentials. Kristin Quinlan Foundation Governor I've been a Foundation Governor at St Bernadette's since 2016. My day job is working as Head of Legal and Company Secretary at a water company, so I have experience of working in corporate governance and I hope that I bring some of my skills and experience from that role to my role on the Governing Body. For me, the role of the Governing Body is to support and provide healthy challenge to the leadership team at St Bernadette's for the benefit of the pupils, and I really enjoy playing my part in that. G Wrench Parent Governor I have been a parent governor at St Bernadette’s Catholic Primary School since 2018. As part of my role, I am the link Governor for Literacy and also the Chair for the Resources Committee and a member of the Admissions Committee. I believe the children’s education, progress, personal welfare and development should be at the heart of all decision making at school. I am happy to be part of the Governing Body that will support the school in order to get the best outcomes for the children. T Moran Foundation Governor I was appointed as a Foundation Governor in February 2023. I was a teacher at St. Bernadette’s for thirty-three years, and I retired from St. Bernadette’s and teaching almost seven years ago. I hope that I can bring some of my skills and experience from my years of teaching to my role on the Governing Body. I look forward to supporting the pupils and staff of St. Bernadette’s in any way that I can. Fr Fretch Ballesteros Foundation Governor Vasiliki Panayiotou Parent Governor I would like to introduce myself as the new Parent Governor of St Bernadette's Catholic Primary School. My name is Vasiliki Panayiotou (please refer to me as Vas) and I joined the Board of Governor's on 20th December 2019. I am honoured and privileged to have been given this opportunity to represent the parents of the children that attend the school by Miss A Cowings. I will do my utmost for the best interests of all concerned, in connection with the school. Before I became a full time mother to our 2 girls I worked in telesales for a wholesale food distribution company for around 8 years and prior to that, I co-owned a business in floristry for around 20 years in Solihull. My eldest daughter, who is five, is in Year 1 at St Bernadette's and our youngest is 16 months old, going onto 6! I can't speak highly enough about St Bernadette's Catholic Primary School or all the staff in connection with the school. I remember when we visited the school during an open day and my first thoughts were about the impeccable behaviour of the children. Also, during the classroom visits we observed how the teachers interacted with the children and we saw the passion and commitment they have in everything they do. I turned to my husband and said, this is where I want our daughter to come and he agreed. We feel blessed that our children are and will be attending the best school Alex Carroll Staff Governor I have worked at St Bernadette's since 2001 and have been staff governor since 2020???? It is my privilege to be part of such a vibrant and hard working school community, both as a member of staff and governor. Cllr Zafar Iqbal Foundation Governor I was previously a Governor at St Bernadette’s, I have a long association with the school and was previously a Governor some years ago when my son attended. I am now an LEA appointed governor and as I live close by I have a genuine interest in supporting my local schools. Governors: List Governors: List

  • Prospectus | St Bernadette's Cath

    Prospectus Choosing the right school for your child is one of the most important decisions you will make in their early years. As a parent you want your child to feel safe, secure and happy at school. At St Bernadette’s School all children are encouraged, supported and challenged to become the best that they can be. St Bernadette’s is a Catholic school and our motto “Learn to Love, love to learn” is at the heart of everything we do. St Bernadette’s is much more than an educational establishment it is a place where the children are offered stability and enrichment to learn effectively and develop into well rounded, responsible and respectful young people. On a recent Ofsted inspection the school was classed as outstanding for personal development and welfare, this is something we as a school are very proud of, the Ofsted inspection is available on the school website and I would encourage you to read it. A Cowings Headteacher Ethos St. Bernadette’s is much more than just an educational establishment; it is a beacon of hope and a place which has to offer: Children: The stability and enrichment they need to become well rounded individuals who are well prepared for the life ahead of them. Staff: A sense of fulfilment and achievement. Parents: A school which assists them in the religious formation of their children and offers them support and advice to develop their children socially, morally and academically. Implications Therefore we need to provide: Children: A broad and exciting curriculum which engages all. A safe and secure stimulating environment in which children are nurtured and supported. A set of moral values, which inform the choices they make. Staff: Quality professional development based on assessment of needs. Opportunities to network with other educational establishments. Parents: Up to date information on curriculum and pastoral matters. Opportunities to develop parenting skills Prospectus

  • RSE | St Bernadette's Catholic Primary School

    RSE at St Bernadette's RSE Relationships and Sex Education in Schools In June 2019, the Government released the final guidance document of what schools will need to deliver around RSE as part of the basic school curriculum. This guidance replaces the SRE guidance of 2000 The new statutory requirements come into effect from September 2020, although the DFE is encouraging schools to begin teaching the new curriculum now. As a minimum, all schools will be required to cover a number of themes and topics by the end of the primary or secondary phase. Relationships education Families and people who care for me Caring relationships Respectful relationships Online relationships Being safe Physical health and mental well being Mental wellbeing Internet safety and harms Physical health and fitness Healthy eating Drugs alcohol and tobacco Health and prevention Basic first aid Changing adolescent body Delivery Many schools currently deliver these topics as part of their timetabled PSHE (personal social and health education) The content also complements national curriculum subjects such as science, PE and computing. It is a requirement that all schools have a written policy in place for RSE and this is freely available to parents and stakeholders. The policy should reflect the needs of the children, parents and the community they serve. Schools are allowed to devise a policy that reflects the faith background of their pupils. Right to withdraw There is no right of parental withdrawal from Relationships Education or Health education elements. Parents do have the right to withdraw from some or all of the sex education, outside of the mandatory requirements ie that stated in the science national curriculum. RSE at St Bernadette’s At St Bernadette’s we have subscribed to an online RSE Programme provided by a Catholic company called Ten:Ten. Ten:Ten are an award-winning theatre, film and educational organization working in Catholic Primary Schools throughout the UK. We currently use the Collective Worship and Assembly materials provided by Ten:Ten. The program provided by Ten:Ten is called Life To The Full. It is being promoted by the Birmingham Diocesan Education Service. Further information can be found by downloading the PDF presentations below. RSE - KS1 RSE - KS2 RSE: Text

  • Live Simply | St Bernadette's Cath

    We are delighted to announce that St Bernadette’s School has achieved the Live Simply Award, having successfully demonstrated that we are living simply, sustainably and in solidarity with the world’s poorest communities. The assessor stated: It was wonderful to hear how the children were able to relate the actions they have been taking to the principles of Catholic Social Teaching and how we are entrusted to look after God’s world. It was lovely to hear how praying helps them to feel calm, peaceful, safe, happy and grateful. The action you have been undertaking to build links with the Aaran Court care home and with the local parishioners was lovely to hear about and it was clear the children are enjoying interacting with the older generation. It was great to hear about the fundraising you are doing to support young people in Rwanda and how one of the children is now at Manchester university studying engineering. The children were knowledgeable about climate change and how the world’s poorest countries are the most impacted, it was fabulous to hear of the initiatives you are doing to make a difference. It was very interesting to see the difference in energy usage during your “digital down day”. We have decided as a school to pursue the CAFOD Live Simply award. This is an opportunity for us to respond to Pope Francis’ invitation to “work with generosity and tenderness in protecting this world which God has entrusted to us.” To earn this award, we need to show as a school we are living: Simply- how we encourage our families to consume less in our daily lives. Taking the time to be more reflective, prayerful and considerate to others. In solidarity with the poor- being aware that other people might be experiencing difficulties, vulnerabilities, injustice or exclusion. Sustainably with creation- learning ways that can help rebalance our relationship with the environment. Remembering that God gave us this Earth for us to care for. We already do so much as a school to fulfil these objectives, but this year we have planned some special events which we will have a positive impact upon our global, local and school communities. The action plan is as below, some of the highlights are: Engaging with the vulnerable in our local community by writing Christmas cards to older people, inviting them in to watch our Christmas performances. Developing links with our local foodbank by taking collection of food and hygiene items from staff and children to donate regularly. Working towards the Oceans Friendly School Award, making concerted steps to reduce our waste in school and electing members of an eco-team to monitor this. Live Simply Action Plan Food bank collection This Lent we demonstrated how we can be ‘Generous and Grateful’ ‘Compassionate and Loving’ by inviting parents/carers to donate to a food bank that Mrs Buchannon had heard about The food bank is run by Teresa at the back of her café called Lily’s Tea Parlour. Every Friday a collection bin was placed at the Nursery and the gates at the front of school, with a list of items that were most needed. Mrs O’Brien, Mrs Robbins and Mrs Bchannon looked after the Nursery collection and Mr Wayne collected in the donations from the gate. Our parents/carers were extremely generous in donating plenty of items and these were then picked up by Teresa and given out to members of the community in need. We would like to give our thanks to all who felt that they could spare some provisions, especially at this time when costs of our own food and provisions is rising. Living in Solidarity We have been demonstrating our virtues of ‘Compassionate and Loving’, and ‘Generous and Grateful’ by inviting residents of Aran Court to our seasonal celebrations this year. On Wednesday 7th December 2023, we had extra members in the audience for the Christmas Performance of ‘Born in a barn’. The ladies and men really enjoyed their performances as can be seen below in the tweets and photos on the day. They loved getting to meet the cast of the play and our children were delighted to be able to get to chat to them in their costumes. The Wellbeing staff, Katie and Sharon sent us this lovely message when they got back to the home. We also had Year 4 making Christmas cards for the 80 residents of the home. "We had a lovely afternoon, thank you very much for inviting us. We felt very welcome in your school and your children were so well behaved too. Thank you for our refreshments - the ladies love a good cuppa!" When reception held their Easter Bonnet Parade on 29th March 2023, we invited the Aran Court residents in to watch the children proudly displaying their beautiful bonnets. Nursery and Reception were delighted to have an extra special audience. After the parade we invited our visitors to have tea and biscuits. As can be seen below they really entered into the spirit of the day and came with their own beautiful bonnets! Sharon and Katie who are staff members of Aran Court are pictured here having a well-earned cup of tea. They have always been delighted to join us in our celebrations. Our visitors also took a tour around our Easter egg competition entries and were really impressed with the effort put in to making the Religious Stories entries. We are also inviting the residents for an afternoon tea on Friday 26th May 2023 as this is our Vocations Day for the whole school. We will have some Mini Vinnies attending this tea, having a chat with them to find out more about their previous life, where they worked and just getting to know them better. Check back here soon for how this goes! Waste Management Results from the parent/carer environmental survey Many thanks for the replies to the environmental survey we sent out recently. We had 85 replies and this shows that there is an awareness and care for our local and world environment within our community. Below is a pie chart demonstrating how you consider single-use plastic when out shopping. Living Sustainably This shows there is a care towards using less but we all know sometimes the most convenient solution can be heavily plastic based eg, apples in a plastic wrapper or milk in plastic bottles. The pie chart above shows that it has sometimes been a decision for you to walk/take public transport instead of using the car. This shows you consider the effect of pollution on the air we breathe, and the cost of petrol makes this decision make sense. When asked what concerns you where you live 43 out of 85 people said litter/flytipping/waste management. It is all our responsibility to ensure we reduce our waste. When asked what your concerns were for the global environment some people said pollution. Some said plastic waste, others mentioned global warming/climate change. Our children are so environmentally aware and knew that we needed to do something as a school community about the plastic we dispose of. Although great efforts were made in our classrooms to recycle paper and card we did not have a dedicated recycling system in place for plastics. That all changed this academic year. Special plastic recycling bins were ordered and installed at key places within school. These were clearly labelled with the items which could be recycled within them. The Eco-wardens check the bins in their particular zone weekly and when these are full help Mrs Lennon empty these into the larger plastics bin for refuse workers to collect. Through the work we are doing for our Live simply award, the Eco-wardens and the Earth Ambassadors are all working together to help make our school more environmentally aware. We are grateful for your support to your children achieving this aim. Digital Down Day You may remember that on Monday 20th March, children and staff participated in Digital Down Day. During this day, teachers taught their lessons without laptops and interactive whiteboards, the staff in the kitchen switched off the ovens and served cold lunches and children arrived in bright clothing to light up our classrooms since the lights were switched off. We were so impressed with how this day was embraced by children, parents and staff members. We wished to highlight how making small changes to our everyday routines could have a massive impact upon our energy consumption and thus our impact upon the environment. The charts below show our electricity usage during the month of March. You can clearly see our reduced electricity usage on the 20th March, which was very similar to Friday 10th March – a snow day, where no children and a limited number of staff were in school. We are so proud, thank you for your support. The Eco-team

  • Geography | St Bernadette's Cath

    Geography Geography Policy Geography Progression of Skills Knowledge & Skills Year 1 Autumn Year 2 Autumn Year 3 Autumn Year 4 Autumn Year 5 Autumn Year 6 Autumn Year 1 Spring Year 2 Spring Year 3 Spring Year 4 Spring Year 5 Spring Year 6 Spring Year 1 Summer Year 2 Summer Year 3 Summer Year 4 Summer Year 5 Summer


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